Intensives in Atlanta, throughout Georgia & Florida

Deeper Work. Lasting Change.

What is Intensive Therapy?

Intensive therapy is like a fast track to feeling better. It's all about diving deep into your experiences with longer sessions, so you can really connect with yourself and what's going on inside. Because we're not stopping and starting every week, we can uncover more, see patterns, and make connections faster. This means you can experience breakthroughs and start feeling real change sooner.

Think of it this way: you're trading shorter, more frequent sessions for longer, more immersive sessions. This allows us to create a flow and momentum that often leads to quicker progress. If you're ready to prioritize your healing and growth, intensive therapy might be just what you need.

How does it work?

We'll start by getting to know each other. In our first session, we'll chat about what's going on in your life, how you're feeling, and what you're hoping to get out of therapy. This helps us create a personalized plan just for you, figuring out how often we'll meet and for how long. Once we have that personalized plan, we'll get you on the schedule that works best.

From there, we'll really explore your experiences in focused, uninterrupted sessions. You'll gain insights, unlock deeper emotions, and start to feel real change sooner than you might expect. These sessions can be anywhere from 75 minutes to 6 hours in a day, multiple days over a week or a longer period of time.

And to wrap things up, we'll have a final session to make sure you've got the tools and support you need to keep moving forward.

What’s the investment?

Intensive rates are generally $300-400 per hour. Prices vary based on the program. A 3 hour intensive package starts at $1500 (intake, 3 hr intensive, post-session)

*Intensive programs are generally booked 1-3 months in advance.

Are there other intensive options?

Intensives can also be integrated with traditional weekly or bi-weekly therapy. If you're already a client or are thinking about working together and want to explore this option, just let me know. We can chat about how this type of therapy could support our work together.

Intensives can help with:

  • working through painful childhood experiences

  • managing mom rage

  • alleviating overwhelm

  • people pleasing

  • parenting differently than your parents

  • healing from trauma

  • moving through grief

  • addressing anxiety, depression, and other challenges

  • personal growth and empowerment

Intensives may be a good fit for you if

  • Have a limited or busy schedule

  • Travel frequently or live out of state

  • Have tried traditional therapy and want to go deeper

  • Are looking for faster results

  • Are experiencing a particularly challenging time

  • Want to address a specific issue or goal.

  • Prefer a more immersive therapeutic experience